PDA Manager
Carry your job details, timesheets with customer signoff and customer information around with you on a portable handheld device.
PDA Manager was developed for the Palm Operating System to provide an affordable and accessible portable solution for business people who work off-site. PDA Manager synchronizes job lists, job details, timesheets, signoffs, sales and service history, product list, stocktake, customer database and expense recording.
PDA Manager Provides:
- Remote capture of data and synchronization with all Ezijobz Software Products except Quote Manager
- Job listing sorted by date and time, shows job number, job description or customer
- Job details including customer, pricing, job status, job type, job detail lines, signoff, notes and service history
- Timesheets with customer signoff
- Customer details including sales history
- Product listing from inventory including price and notes
- Stock Count screen for remote inventory stocktakes
- Expense recording
- PDA user security profiles
- Quick Start Guide
Minimum System Requirements:
- Palm Operating System 3.5 minimum
- Memory 2MB minimum